
Hartford Adult Literacy Working with a coalition of adult literacy organizations in Hartford Connecticut, Fairweather Consulting’s work shaped two major initiatives: the Literacy Education And Referral Network (Hartford LEARN) and the creation of a system to provide enhanced professional training opportunities for adult learning professionals. |

Lake George Shared Services Study. Fairweather Consulting worked with the Town and Village of Lake George to identify opportunities to improve coordination between the Town and Village highway, sewer and water departments. |

Literacy Orange Merger Plan Fairweather Consulting assisted two non-profit literacy organizations in Orange County, NY to develop a comprehensive Merger Plan that addresses the new combined organization’s personnel and staffing, organizational structure, communications and marketing, information technology and financial planning functions. |

Saugerties Public Safety Configuration Study. Fairweather Consulting conducted a study of reconfiguration options for the Town and Village of Saugerties’s Police Departments. Our analysis was the basis for an agreement between the Village and Town to support a single department for both municipalities. |

Allegheny County Not-For-Profit Collaboration Study. Fairweather Consulting led a study sponsored by the Forbes Fund of Pittsburgh, PA to investigate the potential for collaboration among not-for-profit human service providers in Allegheny County, PA. |

Ulster County Shared Services Study. Fairweather Consulting participated in one of the largest shared services studies in New York State. We recommended new approaches for county-wide service delivery in the areas of planning and economic development. |

Creation of an Office for Workforce Development, York County, PA. Our analysis for the York County Economic Development Corporation recommended the creation of an office for workforce development. The office has been created and is currently serving this county which has over 25 percent of its workforce in manufacturing. |